Friday, November 10, 2006

The Great Revulsion By PAUL KRUGMAN

I’m not feeling giddy as much as greatly relieved. O.K., maybe a little giddy. Give ’em hell, Harry and Nancy!

Here’s what I wrote more than three years ago, in the introduction to my column collection “The Great Unraveling”: “I have a vision — maybe just a hope — of a great revulsion: a moment in which the American people look at what is happening, realize how their good will and patriotism have been abused, and put a stop to this drive to destroy much of what is best in our country.”
At the time, the right was still celebrating the illusion of victory in Iraq, and the bizarre Bush personality cult was still in full flower. But now the great revulsion has arrived.

Tuesday’s election was a truly stunning victory for the Democrats. Candidates planning to caucus with the Democrats took 24 of the 33 Senate seats at stake this year, winning seven million more votes than Republicans. In House races, Democrats received about 53 percent of the two-party vote, giving them a margin more than twice as large as the 2.5-percentage-point lead that Mr. Bush claimed as a “mandate” two years ago — and the margin would have been even bigger if many Democrats hadn’t been running unopposed.

The election wasn’t just the end of the road for Mr. Bush’s reign of error. It was also the end of the 12-year Republican dominance of Congress. The Democrats will now hold a majority in the House that is about as big as the Republicans ever achieved during that era of dominance.
Moreover, the new Democratic majority may well be much more effective than the majority the party lost in 1994. Thanks to a great regional realignment, in which a solid Northeast has replaced the solid South, Democratic control no longer depends on a bloc of Dixiecrats whose ideological sympathies were often with the other side of the aisle.

Now, I don’t expect or want a permanent Democratic lock on power. But I do hope and believe that this election marks the beginning of the end for the conservative movement that has taken over the Republican Party.

In saying that, I’m not calling for or predicting the end of conservatism. There always have been and always will be conservatives on the American political scene. And that’s as it should be: a diversity of views is part of what makes democracy vital.

But we may be seeing the downfall of movement conservatism — the potent alliance of wealthy individuals, corporate interests and the religious right that took shape in the 1960s and 1970s. This alliance may once have had something to do with ideas, but it has become mainly a corrupt political machine, and America will be a better place if that machine breaks down.

Why do I want to see movement conservatism crushed? Partly because the movement is fundamentally undemocratic; its leaders don’t accept the legitimacy of opposition. Democrats will only become acceptable, declared Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, once they “are comfortable in their minority status.” He added, “Any farmer will tell you that certain animals run around and are unpleasant, but when they’ve been fixed, then they are happy and sedate.”

And the determination of the movement to hold on to power at any cost has poisoned our political culture. Just think about the campaign that just ended, with its coded racism, deceptive robo-calls, personal smears, homeless men bused in to hand out deceptive fliers, and more. Not to mention the constant implication that anyone who questions the Bush administration or its policies is very nearly a traitor.

When movement conservatism took it over, the Republican Party ceased to be the party of Dwight Eisenhower and became the party of Karl Rove. The good news is that Karl Rove and the political tendency he represents may both have just self-destructed.

Two years ago, people were talking about permanent right-wing dominance of American politics. But since then the American people have gotten a clearer sense of what rule by movement conservatives means. They’ve seen the movement take us into an unnecessary war, and botch every aspect of that war. They’ve seen a great American city left to drown; they’ve seen corruption reach deep into our political process; they’ve seen the hypocrisy of those who lecture us on morality.

And they just said no.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rummy Rots in Hell....Soon

Later on Wednesday, Rumsfeld appeared with Bush and Gates in the White House for a ceremonial announcement of his resignation. Normally combative and confident, Rumsfeld appeared crestfallen and emotional. He spoke haltingly about the Iraq conflict, calling it "this little understood, unfamiliar war." "It is not well known, it was not well understood, it is complex for people to comprehend," Rumsfeld said.

Really? No Rummie, it is very simple for people to understand. You are a fucking idiot and you and the rest of the bush regime lied through your (deserve to kicked down your throats) teeth to invade Iraq (against the advice of ALL military experts) to maintain control over its oil reserves. You murdered thousands of American men and women and you murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and you had innocent people tortured. Why? Big profits for war profiteers. There are special places in Hell for people like you Rumsey. May you burn forever.

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Red Scream Films LLC Year Two

A year ago this week, a somewhat ragtag collective of people gathered at the Buffalo Central Terminal to make a movie. That movie was Prison of the Psychotic Damned, the first feature film by a newly formed Red Scream Films LLC. If I remember correctly, the incorporation papers had not yet arrived. I had fired the original director a bit over a month ago. I had fired one of the cinematographers the day before. And had nearly shut down production completely and taken the whole fuckwad to Prague. But I didn't. Several months later I had a director's cut of POTPD curtosy of DW Kann ( and the rest is history. RSF has come far in just one year. We've completed one feature film, are probably less than 2 months away from completing a second, and have a third waiting in the wings. We have gone from being a completely unknown entity to one that, should you care to Google us (and use "quotes" so only exact matches come up) - we have nearly 10,000 listings. That's pretty impressive considering we have no advertising budget or a marketing team. We have gone from having our phone calls and emails to distributors and producer's reps and other production companies ignored to having them call us looking for screeners and coproductions and what not. It's a good feeling. Sure, there's still no cash flow to speak of, the majority of horror fans still don't know we exist, and our local media continues to refuse to admit we exist, but those are all things that will change as we continue to move forward. That forward movement, that never say die attitude is what really characterises Red Scream Films LLC. Nothing is perfect, we certainly are not, but if we stumble, we straighten up and keep moving. If there are problems, we fix them. If roadblocks, we go over, under, around or if we have to, right through. We don't piss and moan and wring our hands - well we might, but we don't stop moving forward while we do. We don't believe in endless meetings. We don't believe in filmmaking by committee. We believe that if we give someone a chance to prove themselves, they are expected to prove themselves. And they will, one way or the other. We don't believe in the auteur theory - we believe in the group effort. If everybody does their job and contributes 1000%, success is assured. Those who can keep up with us will be taken with us as we move up the ladder. If we move up the ladder. Filmmaking is a risky business, but to those who take the risks go the rewards. Those who cannot - or more often just don't want to - keep up with us, can stay wherever they are and have a good life. But when we do get to where we want to be, don't bother writing.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats won 18 Republican-held districts.....

Democrats won 18 Republican-held districts in nearly every region of the country to move within striking distance of retaking control of the House on Tuesday as voters demonstrated their disenchantment with a war, a president and scandals on Capitol Hill....There really isn't any reason to say more than that. My faith in the intelligence of the common man (and woman) is somewhat restored. If my fellow New Yorkers had rejected Rep Tom Reynolds I'd be 100% but they didn't. This is the guy who basically acted as an enabler for noted pedophile Mark Foley. Nice.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

FrightWorld: Not A Horror Movie?

Horror is a funny thing. There are people who absolutely adore "old school" horror films like the Universal Frankenstein films and Bela Lugosi's Dracula. There are those who rather the Hammer remakes and promote Christopher Lee as God. There are also those, typically younger, who, when you want to talk "classic" horror films, think you are talking about Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. Personally, I side with the old schoolers and the Hammer fans. I'll take Peter Cushing or Ingrid Pitt over Freddie or Jason or Mike Meyers any day of the week. A slasher film has never frightened me nor made me jump nor surprised me nor made me want to go back and watch it over and over again. The only good thing about most are the splatter fx. There is nothing like a good splatter fx. Nothing like a decent decapitation or body cut in two or something sharp and nasty driven through the body of a late 20s/early 30s year old trying to pass for a teenager. And as we all know, 80s splatter was the best splatter. Over the top with copious amounts of gore and grue, all served up with an almost giddy nihilistic relish.

At its black core, FrightWorld is the Red Scream Films LLC version of a slasher/splatter film. It was not written nor directed to cause the audience to jump or cover their eyes or pull the covers over their collective heads. It was meant to creep out, maybe gross out. The nude/sex scenes are meant to arouse and perhaps cause some uncomfort. To a degree FrightWorld melds the slasher genre with the more recent "torture porn" genre (Hostel and SAW come to mind) with a generous dollop of eurotrash erotica smack in the middle. When the final cut is ready sometime near the end of this year, I think fans of slasher films, fans of torture porn and fans of eurotrash cinema will have something to look forward to in 2007.

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Election 2006 - Kill The Fuckers

People are stupid. They prove it everyday. If the Democrats do not win a majority of the seats up for grabs this election, that will prove it yet again. And this country will get what it deserves. The rest of us, those who refuse to be spoonfed the foul ass-drippings of the bush regime and its demented supporters, need to leave. Go to Canada. Or maybe France. I hear Prague is nice. The only alternative is to start killing the fuckers. Start with the head. Like a zombie, put a bullet in bush's brain (sic) and maybe - maybe - he will die. It may only be a flesh wound. Perhaps he should be shot in the ass instead. That might do it. We will also have to take our chainey and rummie and let's not forget condi. Silver bullets should probably be used just in case. With these idiots dead, we could bring our men and women home from the quagmire in Iraq and get to work on the near-fatal damage inflicted on our country by the neocons and their ilk. The founding fathers would be called terrorists today. They are certainly spinning in their graves.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome to My Nightmare: Introductions

Welcome to the Red Scream Films LLC Blog on Blogger. Here you will find news on past, present and future Red Scream Films LLC productions, the rants and musings of CEO David R Williams, and sometimes importance news articles and editorials that I believe deserve as much distribution as they can get.

Red Scream Films LLC was formed in November 2005. In that single year we have produced three feature films, seen one screenplay sort-of-kind-of produced by another production company, and gone from having our emails and phone calls to distributors, and investors, and other production companies ignored to them calling us.

Our first film was Prison of the Psychotic Damned. Think The Haunting set in Grand Central Station (we shot in the long abandoned and rumored to be haunted Buffalo Central Terminal). The film was produced and written by myself, directed by DW Kann and stars Melantha Blackthorne and Demona Bast. Our second film was The Eldritch: A Tale of Erotic Violence. That film is still in postproduction. Our third film, but second release, will be FrightWorld. Think Friday the 13th meets The Haunting by way of the Evil Dead. This film stars UK fetish model Katxenna Klimkova - Google that then tell me you don't want to see this film. All films are shot on 24P DV although in 2007 we are looking at moving into HD.

As of this writing, MadCat Movies ( has been shopping Prison at the American Film Market and today I overnighted FrightWorld screeners to them to see what they could do with it in the last two days of that major film market event. I expect both Prison and FrightWorld to be released in 2007. I expect horror fans to rent and buy them. If you are a fan of 70s erotic/Eurotrash horror and 80s splatter, I don't see how any redblooded horror fan can resist. The films may not be perfect, but believe me, they are far superior to 98.7% of the crap that is out there.

I should also give props to my business partner, Debra Ann Lorenzo. Debi started with Red Scream Films LLC as an extra in Prison. She co-stared in The Eldritch, and came in as production manager-producer on FrightWorld - the movie would not have happened without her putting in 25 hour days. Love you kid!

I should also mention that we put out a magazine also called - strangely enough - Red Scream. While I doodle away with films, that project is being "manned" by Destiny West - a strange little gothic Australian who believes as deeply in the magazine and Debi believes in the films.

So welcome. I bid you enter.