Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rummy Rots in Hell....Soon

Later on Wednesday, Rumsfeld appeared with Bush and Gates in the White House for a ceremonial announcement of his resignation. Normally combative and confident, Rumsfeld appeared crestfallen and emotional. He spoke haltingly about the Iraq conflict, calling it "this little understood, unfamiliar war." "It is not well known, it was not well understood, it is complex for people to comprehend," Rumsfeld said.

Really? No Rummie, it is very simple for people to understand. You are a fucking idiot and you and the rest of the bush regime lied through your (deserve to kicked down your throats) teeth to invade Iraq (against the advice of ALL military experts) to maintain control over its oil reserves. You murdered thousands of American men and women and you murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and you had innocent people tortured. Why? Big profits for war profiteers. There are special places in Hell for people like you Rumsey. May you burn forever.

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