Thursday, November 09, 2006

Red Scream Films LLC Year Two

A year ago this week, a somewhat ragtag collective of people gathered at the Buffalo Central Terminal to make a movie. That movie was Prison of the Psychotic Damned, the first feature film by a newly formed Red Scream Films LLC. If I remember correctly, the incorporation papers had not yet arrived. I had fired the original director a bit over a month ago. I had fired one of the cinematographers the day before. And had nearly shut down production completely and taken the whole fuckwad to Prague. But I didn't. Several months later I had a director's cut of POTPD curtosy of DW Kann ( and the rest is history. RSF has come far in just one year. We've completed one feature film, are probably less than 2 months away from completing a second, and have a third waiting in the wings. We have gone from being a completely unknown entity to one that, should you care to Google us (and use "quotes" so only exact matches come up) - we have nearly 10,000 listings. That's pretty impressive considering we have no advertising budget or a marketing team. We have gone from having our phone calls and emails to distributors and producer's reps and other production companies ignored to having them call us looking for screeners and coproductions and what not. It's a good feeling. Sure, there's still no cash flow to speak of, the majority of horror fans still don't know we exist, and our local media continues to refuse to admit we exist, but those are all things that will change as we continue to move forward. That forward movement, that never say die attitude is what really characterises Red Scream Films LLC. Nothing is perfect, we certainly are not, but if we stumble, we straighten up and keep moving. If there are problems, we fix them. If roadblocks, we go over, under, around or if we have to, right through. We don't piss and moan and wring our hands - well we might, but we don't stop moving forward while we do. We don't believe in endless meetings. We don't believe in filmmaking by committee. We believe that if we give someone a chance to prove themselves, they are expected to prove themselves. And they will, one way or the other. We don't believe in the auteur theory - we believe in the group effort. If everybody does their job and contributes 1000%, success is assured. Those who can keep up with us will be taken with us as we move up the ladder. If we move up the ladder. Filmmaking is a risky business, but to those who take the risks go the rewards. Those who cannot - or more often just don't want to - keep up with us, can stay wherever they are and have a good life. But when we do get to where we want to be, don't bother writing.

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